3 Mowing Tips To Have Your Lawn Looking Pristine and Lush

Mowing the lawn can be a tough job, especially if you’re doing it yourself. The lawnmower is heavy, the grass is long, and it’s easy to get distracted by your favourite show on TV. Thankfully, there are some simple things you can do to make your lawn look better and cut down on some of the manual labour involved in keeping it healthy.

First of all, Australian weather conditions can be really tough on our lawns and influence the health of your grass. When it comes to mowing your lawn, knowing what (and what not to) do with your lawn mower will greatly increase the health of your lawn.

Keeping a healthy lawn can have many benefits, including a safe and healthy environment for your children and pets to enjoy. It can also help to increase potential buyers when selling your home. There’s nothing like inviting the neighbours or family over for a bit of entertaining while you can show of a pristine-looking, lush lawn.

In this blog we will reveal our three best mowing tips for a professional finish. As a rule of thumb, don’t forget these three important points:

  1. Height matters
  2. Stay sharp
  3. Catch and release

Continue to read our three simple tips to ensure your grass is thriving and help to prevent those unsightly dry patches and even disease. Lawn mowers are built for Aussie backyards, so let’s give them the respect they deserve. Here are some simple lawn mowing tips to keep you on the mow.

The importance of grass height

We’ve all had that one haircut where you’ve said, “They took too much off!”. Lawns can feel exactly the same, but for different reasons.

Not only can it put your lawn under extreme stress, cutting your lawn too short can prevent the grass getting enough delicious sunlight to keep it smiling. More area, more sunlight is absorbed.

This means that in winter, we recommend keeping your grass a little bit longer and raises those mower blades up. This works conversely in summer, so you can drop those blades down a bit and keep your grass shorter in the hotter months.

The sharper the blades, the healthier your lawn

Just like in the kitchen, keeping your blades sharp is key to helping your lawn stay neat and also healthy.

How can the sharpness of the mower blades keep my grass healthier?

Cutting grass with sharp blades ensures your grass is cut cleanly, therefore helping the grass to heal quicker and stay healthy.

For the same reason, it also helps to prevent any nasties infecting your lawn. Blunt blades can tear or smash your grass blades and prevent your lawn from staying healthy. Plus it keeps your mower running smoothly – meaning your mower will thank you.

Ditch the grass-cycling

Grass-cycling is a fancy term that means cutting the grass without a catcher. However, keeping a catcher on your mower is essential when you want to keep your lawn smiling. Leaving behind your freshly cut grass can lead to many different lawn problems, including what’s called “thatch”. This can leave your lawn patchy, unsightly, and unhealthy.

Clumps of cut grass left behind can:

  • Prevent your lawn from absorbing sunlight
  • Ward off even water distribution
  • Create potential habitats for disease

Even though this myth has been debunked and people have different opinions on it, our advice is to keep that lawn mower catcher on, empty it frequently when mowing, and give your lawn the respect it deserves.

There you have it. Now you too can have that beautiful, lush lawn that people are always bragging about. Putting in that extra bit of care and attention ensures your lawn will be looking at its very best.

And don’t forget that these habits may come to us naturally or it may take a few trials before we find the right technique that keeps our lawn as beautiful as we hope it will be. But by following our three tips you are guaranteed to improve the way you look after your lawn – once and for all.

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